Please Don t Lose Again This Game
A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (due thousand. I bought a book.).
transitive verb
1. (to non notice)
a. perder
I lost my cellphone at work. Perdí mi celular en el trabajo.
two. (to not win)
a. perder
She lost the race despite all the training she'd washed. Perdió la carrera, a pesar de haber entrenado tanto.
3. (to be deprived of)
a. perder (rights, sight, a loved one)
She lost her parents when she was 12. Perdió a sus padres cuando tenía 12.
iv. (to go rid of)
a. perder
He has already lost three pounds! ¡Ya perdió tres libras!
b. bajar
You lost ten pounds in a week? That seems dangerous to me. ¿Bajaste diez libras en una semana? Eso me parece peligroso.
c. deshacerse de (a pursuer)
I managed to lose him by dodging down a side alley. Conseguí deshacerme de él entrando en united nations callejón lateral.
five. (to waste)
a. perder (time or an opportunity)
I've lost a lot of sleep thinking about this. He perdido muchas horas de sueño pensando en esto.
half-dozen. (to cause the loss of)
a. costar
Arguing with him lost me my job. Discutir con él me costó mi trabajo.
7. (to confuse)
a. confundir
She lost me when she started explaining fractions. Me confundió cuando empezó a explicar fracciones.
8. (to go slower)
a. atrasarse
The kitchen clock loses two minutes every day. El reloj de la cocina se atrasa dos minutos cada día.
ix. (to miss)
a. perder
We lost our connexion in Madrid. Perdimos nuestra conexión en Madrid.
x. (to neglect to keep)
a. perder
She lost some clients over the past weeks. Ha perdido algunos clientes durante las últimas semanas.
An intransitive verb is 1 that does not require a direct object (eastward.g. The man sneezed.).
intransitive verb
11. (to fail to win)
a. perder
Nosotros lost by ii goals. Perdimos por dos goles.
12. (to have a loss)
a. salir perdiendo
I'k losing on the rental of my house. Salgo perdiendo en el alquiler de la casa.
13. (to be absorbed)
a. perderse
I lost myself reading such a expert volume. Me perdí en la lectura de tan buen libro.
Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object ( thousand. I bought a book.).
transitive verb
one. (accidentally)
a. perder
you accept nothing to lose no tienes nada que perder
to lose one's vox quedarse afónico(a)
he had lost interest in his work había perdido el interés por su trabajo
information technology loses something in translation al traducirlo, pierde algo
to be lost at sea desaparecer or morir en el mar
the joke/the irony was lost on him no entendió el chiste/la ironía
my watch loses five minutes a day mi reloj se atrasa cinco minutos al día
that error lost him the match ese error hizo que perdiera el partido
to lose 1'due south way, to get lost perderse
2. (colloquial)
become lost! ¡lárgate!, ¡piérdete!
to lose one'south rest perder el equilibrio
to lose sight of something/somebody perder algo/a alguien de vista
iii. (fam fig)
you've lost me! no te sigo
4. (deliberately)
to lose weight adelgazar, perder peso
we lost him in the crowd le dimos esquinazo entre la multitud
she had lost herself in a volume/in her work se quedó absorta en la lectura de united nations libro/en su trabajo
An intransitive verb is one that does non require a direct object (e.g. The man sneezed.).
intransitive verb
five. (in contest)
a. perder
to lose in value perder valor
Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited
lose [luːz] lost (past)
transitive verb
1 (mislay, fail to observe) perder
he's always losing things siempre está perdiendo las cosas; I've lost my pen he perdido el bolígrafo; I lost him in the crowd lo perdí entre la muchedumbre
2 (be deprived of) perder
you lot've got nothing to lose no tienes nada que perder; you've nothing to lose by helping him no vas a perder nada ayudándole; what accept you got to lose? ¿qué tienes tú que perder?; ¿qué vas a perder?; he lost £1,000 on that deal perdió 1.000 libras en ese trato; I lost my father when I was 10 perdí a mi padre cuando tenía diez años; I don't want to lose yous no quiero perderte
he's lost his licence le han retirado el carnet
to lose ane'southward life perder la vida
to lose a patient no lograr salvar a un paciente
to lose the use of an arm perder el uso de un brazo
3 (neglect to go along) perder
the poem lost a lot in the translation el poema perdió mucho en la traducción
she's lost her figure/her looks ha perdido la línea/su belleza
to lose it perder los papeles; perder el control
4 (fail to win) [+game, war, election] perder
5 (miss)
to lose one'southward way perderse; perder el rumbo
half dozen (waste) perder
there was not a moment to lose no había ni un momento que perder
I wouldn't lose whatever slumber over it! ¡no pierdas el sueño por ello!; ¡no te preocupes por ello!
to lose no fourth dimension in doing sth
she lost no time in making up her mind se decidió enseguida; no le costó nada decidirse; I lost no time in telling him exactly what I thought of him no vacilé en decirle exactamente lo que pensaba de él
seven (get rid of) [+unwanted companion] deshacerse de; [+pursuers] zafarse de
to lose weight perder peso; adelgazar
I lost two kilos perdí or adelgacé dos kilos
viii (fall backside) [+watch, clock] atrasarse
this spotter loses five minutes every day este reloj se atrasa cinco minutos cada día
9 (cause loss of)
it lost him the chore/the match le costó el puesto/el partido; le hizo perder el puesto/el partido; that bargain lost me £five,000 ese negocio me costó or me hizo perder 5.000 libras
x (misfile) confundir
you've lost me there ahora sí que me has confundido; ahora sí que no te entiendo
to lose o.s. in sth (a book, music, memories) ensimismarse en algo
intransitive verb
i [+actor, squad] perder
he'due south losing (by) ii sets to ane va perdiendo (por) dos sets a uno; they lost (by) three goals to two perdieron (por) tres goles a dos; to lose to sb perder contra algn
y'all can't lose no tienes pérdida; tienes que forzosamente salir ganando
he lost on the deal salió perdiendo en el negocio
the story did not lose in the telling el cuento no perdió en la narración
information technology loses in translation pierde en la traducción
2 [+watch, clock] atrasarse
Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
lose weight | adelgazar |
Did you lose the game? | ¿Perdiste el partido? |
lose yourself | distraerte |
never lose hope | nunca pierdas la esperanza |
have the risk or lose the chance | toma el riesgo o pierde la oportunidad |
lose a game | perder un partido |
lose something | perder algo |
If the squad doesn't practice harder, they will lose the game. | Si el equipo no practica más duro, perderá el partido. |
lose one'south balance | perder el equilibrio |
wolves don't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep | los lobos no pierden el sueño por la opinión de las ovejas |
I need to lose weight | tengo que adelgazar |
lose it | perderlo |
I can't wear these pants until I lose x pounds | no puedo ponerme este pantalón hasta perder diez libras |
lose ane's temper | perder los estribos |
lose ane's nerve | acobardarse |
lose center | desanimarse |
lose hope | desesperarse |
make lose promise | desesperar |
lose fourth dimension | perder tiempo |
lose one'due south train of idea | perder el hilo |
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